I can’t tell you how many jobs we have come in because people have tried do-it-yourself leather products that didn’t work out. I hate that.�... [read more...]
Buying Guide for Used Furniture – The Dos and Do...
Because buying used furniture is both eco-friendly and thrifty, it’s a very IN thing to do right now. Here are some tips to be sure you make good ... [read more...]
To be totally honest, if aniline or semi-aniline leather cracks, it’s often too far gone to be worth repairing. Now, this is not always the case... [read more...]
Leather and the Sun – Tips to avoid a common pro...
Unfortunately, sun and leather don’t usually mix well. Too much sunlight will do one of two things (and possibly both) to leather furniture and ... [read more...]
Leather, Dirt and Oil – Tips to avoid common pro...
One of the worst things to eat on leather couches is buttered popcorn – yes, the all-time favorite movie snack. What a bummer.
Unfortunately, fo... [read more...]
Top Five Super Bowl Party Spills and How to Clean ...
On Super Bowl Sunday, it’s not just the players who take a beating. During our Super Bowl parties, our furniture gets ran-SACKED more than a qua... [read more...]
Have you ever wondered how to get those pesky scratches or scrapes out of your leather sofa or couch? This video will show you how you can do it yours... [read more...]